Explore these books to find more encouragement and inspiration for Christian singles. (Inclusion here does not indicate full endorsement by Purposeful Singleness. This page contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, Purposeful Singleness earns from qualifying purchases.)
Redeeming Singleness: How the Storyline of Scripture Affirms the Single Life7 Myths about Singleness
Significance of Singleness
Not Yet Married: The Pursuit of Joy in Singleness and Dating
Whole in Christ: A Biblical Approach to Singleness
Wholeheartedly Devoted: A Bible Study on Singleness
The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness: Loved, Secure, Guided
Party of One: Truth, Longing, and the Subtle Art of Singleness
Singleness: A Life Grounded in Love (Lifeguide Bible Studies)
Unlocking Your Potential In Singleness: How to Maximize Your Single Life
The Underestimated Season: Singleness
Singleness and the Church: A New Theology of the Single Life
Singleness (Hope for the Heart, June Hunt): How to Be Single and Satisfied
Sacred Singleness: The Set-Apart Girl’s Guide to Purpose and Fulfillment
Intimacy with God in Singleness: Developing a Relationship with God While Being Single
Darling: A Woman’s Guide to Godly Sexuality
Singleness: God’s Gift
Power and Purpose of Singleness
30 Days to Embracing Singleness: A Devotional
Believing God for His Best: How to Marry Contentment and Singleness
Singleness Redefined: Living Life to the Fullest
God, Singleness, & Marriage: How the Bible gives purpose and direction to singles
Are you there God? Because I am still single.: A twenty year journey through doubt and singleness to find faith, God and marriage.
While You Wait…: My Journey of Singleness and Lessons for Those Waiting on God’s Promises
Shelf Life: How to Cope with Prolonged Singleness
Daughter of The King: Understanding Your Identity and Living Out Your Purpose as a Single Christian Woman
Wrestling with Singleness: Finding Strength in God to Live It Well
Single Is Not A Curse
Single, Saved, and Seeking Him: Encouragement for the Single Christian
Biblical Principles on Singleness:
The Purpose of Singleness: Are you whole or are you full of holes
Every Single Moment: The best way to handle singleness in the wait
The Necessity of Singleness
Spinstered: Surviving Singleness After Forty
Sacred Love: A Journey of Singleness, Belonging, and Finding True Love
Seeking, Striving, and Surviving: Successfully Navigating Your Season of Singleness
Free to Love: How Oneness Transcends Marriage and Singleness
Best Secrets Unfold: New Revolution of Singleness and Christian Dating
Daughters of the King (Sanctified Singleness)
Table for One: The Savvy Girl’s Guide to Singleness
The Single Truth: Challenging the Misconceptions of Singleness with God’s Consuming Truth
The Misinterpreted Gospel of Singleness: A cultural critique of myths surrounding singleness in the Christian community
The Heart of Singleness (Live Different)
Create In Me a Clean Heart (Sanctified Singleness)
Sacred Singleness
Gracefully Feminine (Sanctified Singleness)
Beyond Waiting: Redefining the Purpose of Singleness
During the Singleness: One Isn’t a Lonely Number; It’s a Whole Number
Blessed Singleness: A Biblical Guide to Joyous, Fruitful Singleness!
Season of Singleness: Reward of Overcoming the Struggle of an Absentee Father to Accepting The Genuine Father’s Love
All the Days: Walking with God Through Friendship, Singleness, and Summer Camp
How to be Married when you are Single: Overcoming your Struggle with Singleness
Choices: Finding God’s Way in Dating, Sex, Marriage, and Singleness
25 No Nonsense Life lessons for the Modern Single Christian Women: A Christian Woman’s Devotional, Blueprint, and Guide for Singleness
Singles at the Crossroads: A Fresh Perspective on Christian Singleness
Victory in Singleness: A Strategy for Emotional Peace
Relating To Men (Sanctified Singleness)
Relating To Women (Sanctified Singleness)
Transforming Relationships (Sanctified Singleness)
Singleness In Style: Walking in Singleness Correctly
Sane & Single: The A to Z on Being Single
Not Meant to Be: Trusting God for the Redemption of Singleness
In Every Season: Savoring Singleness
Maximize Singleness
Created Single: Challenging the Misconceptions of Singleness
God Cares for Me in Every Season: Godly Insights for Singleness, Marriage and Divorce
Seasons Of Singleness
If Singleness Is a Gift, What’s the Return Policy?
Highlighted Book on Singleness
Though marriage is highly esteemed throughout Scripture, the Bible also affirms singleness as an important calling for some Christians. Redeeming Singleness expounds a theology of singleness that shows how the blessings of the covenant are now directly mediated to believers through Christ.
Though marriage is highly esteemed throughout Scripture, the Bible also affirms singleness as an important calling for some Christians. Redeeming Singleness expounds a theology of singleness that shows how the blessings of the covenant are now directly mediated to believers through Christ.
Redeeming Singleness offers an in-depth examination of the redemptive history from which biblical singleness emerges. Danylak illustrates the continuity of this affirmation of singleness by showing how the Old Testament creation mandate and the New Testament kingdom mandate must both be understood in light of God’s plan of redemption through spiritual rebirth in Christ.
As the trend toward singleness in the church increases, the need for constructive theological reflection likewise grows. Redeeming Singleness meets this need, providing encouragement to those who are single or ministering to singles and challenging believers from all walks of life to reflect more deeply on the sufficiency of Christ.